CAPE VERDE best beaches pictures

My holidays on the most beautiful beaches of  

CAPE VERDE best beaches

3 beach photos of CAPE VERDE, possibly with lagoons

CAPE VERDE beach at Boa Vista Island - Cape Verde

Boa Vista Island - Cape Verde - marine club beach resort in praia da cruz, about one km from the capital sal rei and seven km from the airport.

CAPE VERDE beach at Cape Verde Island

Cape Verde Island - cape verde (cabo verde): santo antao, sao vicente, santa luzia, sao ni cola, sal, boa vista, maio, sao tiago, fogo and villa de nova sintra. off the coast of senegal, these 10 islands of the atlantic, beautiful beaches immaculate ...

CAPE VERDE beach at Sal Island - Cape Verde

Sal Island - Cape Verde - cape verde's main gateway to the cape verde archipelago, with its international airport, the most visited of the cape verde islands by foreign tourists.

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