What is an atoll, a lagoon and a barrier reef seen from the beach?

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What is a lagoon, an atoll? Where is the barrier reef?

Barrier reef on closed lagoon.


The lagoon is the quiet part between the barrier reef and the beach. The prettiest lagoons are the closed lagoons. The white line represents the waves breaking on the coral underwater.

Waves broken by the barrier reef.


The coral reef protects the beach and tropical fish species of the lagoon from the strength of the big waves. The calm reigns between this barrier of corals and the beach.

Coral reef shelter, protection of small tropical fish


The coral breaks the enormous waves. The groundswell is often very powerful around the barrier, this makes snorkeling dangerous here. Be careful !

Why are the beaches of the islands protected?


Marine blue (6 to 15 meters deep) and turquoise blue (1 to 3 meters deep) indicate two very different underwater worlds.

Barrier reef in open lagoon, less fish!


When the coral grows scattered, without following a line, the coral barrier does not exist, it is considered that the lagoon is open. the fish are less numerous.

Use special dive shoes!


The coral that accumulates on the limestone bottoms looks like rocks. When it is flat, it is called the coral platter, the ground is therefore alive!

Atolls and islands - Maldives


The central lagoon is protected from the external currents which inexorably shifts the atoll by sand movements.

The atolls are in the Maldives and in the Tuamotu.


The atolls looks like rings composed of sand and dead coral. Often, on the coral ring that surrounds the atoll, channels (sea entrances) allow the only access to the boats.

Challenge: Arrive by boat!


The atolls are difficult to access being closed by the coral reef. Sometimes the plane or the seaplane are the only way to access the atolls!

Dolphins love the very strong currents and vortices of the channels!


L'entrée du lagon se fait par les passes, voyez le courant qui pousse le corail. La vie locale dépend souvent de ces passes maritimes.

Maldives - A channel with coral reef at 20 meters, the dream!


When the channels are reduced, the boats remain behind the reef barrier, around the reef where the underwater fauna is magic!

Maldives - A channel with coral reef


Snorkeling is diving without oxygen bottles. Nothing more beautiful by floating just above the surface!

In the natural aquarium of the lagoons, you spend hours!


In the lagoons there is no real danger. Do not touch anything and admire the beauty of nature.

Coral in the foot, be careful of coral wounds


On many beaches, the sand consists of dead coral eroded which can take unexpected colors according to the dominant colors of the corals of the lagoon.

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