Beware of tanning in the tropics!

My holidays on the most beautiful beaches of  

Solar products for "tropical sunbathing"

Tanning in the tropics, sun protection

If you have white skin and clear eyes, I advise you to consult with your pharmacist or dermatologist.

If you are already tanned and the melanime protects you, I suggest you the products based on monoi. Monoi from Tahiti is the product obtained by maceration of tiare flowers in the refined coconut oil (coconut oil harvested in French Polynesia).

Tahiti Monoi

Exposure to the sun in the tropics depending on your skin type

Tanning in the tropics with light skin

Very high risk of burns without protection against sun exposure. Limit sun exposure between 8 and 25 minutes per day with a sunscreen filter SPF +30, wear protective clothing (hat and sunglasses against UV-A & B). Avoid staying in the sun between 10am and 4pm.

Tanning in the tropics with matte skin

High risk of burns without protection against sun exposure. Limit sun exposure between 25 and 62 minutes per day with a sunscreen filter SPF +30, wear protective clothing (hat and sunglasses against UV-A & B). Avoid staying in the sun between 10am and 4pm.

Tanning in the Tropics with Dark Skin

Moderate risk of burns without protection from sun exposure. Limit sun exposure between 62 and 100 minutes per day with a sunscreen filter SPF + 30, wear protective clothing (hat and sunglasses against UV-A & B). Avoid staying in the sun between 10am and 4pm.

In all cases, renew the application of sun cream regularly, especially after bathing. Be careful, the sun is much stronger between latitudes + 10°, -10° than in the rest of the world. Check the UV index of your destination. The sun is closest to Earth between October and March in the southern hemisphere. Its rays perpendicular to the surface stings the skin. So really, think that the sun at the zenith, in the inter-tropical zone is at the maximum of its power to give you dangerous sunburns which, too late will make you suffer, PROTECT YOU!

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