CUBA best beaches pictures

My holidays on the most beautiful beaches of  

CUBA best beaches

16 beach photos of CUBA, possibly with lagoons

CUBA beach at Cayo Largo Playa Pariso

Cayo Largo Playa Pariso - both the beautiful beaches of cayo largo are part of a nature reserve, close to the hotels.the white sand of playa sirena remains cool in spite of the strong heat in the sun.good news for the bright orange stars that live along the turquoise shore in playa paraiso, you can walk hundreds of yards in the sea and its crystal clear waters. go is one of the few nuturist places in cuba.

CUBA beach at Varadero

Varadero - beach of varadero in january 2008 you have water up to monton and you see your feet through the water so much it is clear. white sand.

CUBA beach at Varadero

Varadero - varadero beach, the world is small.

CUBA beach at Varadero

Varadero - water transparency guaranteed

CUBA beach at Varadero

Varadero - the dream decor. varadero is the place in cuba where the beaches are beautiful.

CUBA beach at Varadero

Varadero - varadero beach

CUBA beach at Varadero

Varadero - beach of varadero

CUBA beach at Varadero

Varadero - the pearl of varadero beaches in cuba.

CUBA beach at Varadero

Varadero - the beach and blue atlantic turquoise, not too many tropical fishes!

CUBA beach at Varadero

Varadero - another beach of varadero

CUBA beach at Varadero

Varadero - between 11 am and 3 pm, the color is waiting for you in cuba, especially in varadero.

CUBA beach at Varadero

Varadero - in cuba, varadero, on the beach of the hotel iberostar tainos. small refreshing jungle between the hotel and the beach, especially when it is 95â°f.

CUBA beach at Varadero

Varadero - at noon in april 2015, 89â°f measured with my waterproof aquarium thermometer, ditto for the swimming pool. color of the atlantic ocean in varadero, but do not look for motorized water sports, there is no such thing as pedalos, windsurfing, kitesurfing, hobby cats, that's all.

CUBA beach at Varadero

Varadero - if you do snorkeling, you will have to take a pedal boat for two to 300 yards from the beach and dive to 4 or 5 yards to see big red starfish and big conch shells, be careful these have a poisonous blade that can spring like a spring! otherwise, no danger at all on the edge, no shark, some fish of sand without too many colors.

CUBA beach at Varadero

Varadero - in cuba, varadero is also called hicacos. on its northern part, 19 kiloyards from white sand and turquoise ocean offer ideal drop points for idleness. serial hotels, of different qualities are spread throughout this peninsula. it is a guaranteed fact: the sand is white, soft and warm and beautiful water. without hesitation, excellent swimming!

CUBA beach at Varadero Matanzas

Varadero Matanzas - night photo not retouched & kawama beach

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