PHILIPPINES best beaches pictures

My holidays on the most beautiful beaches of  

PHILIPPINES best beaches

4 beach photos of PHILIPPINES, possibly with lagoons

PHILIPPINES beach at Bohol Island

Bohol Island - bohol island in the philippines

PHILIPPINES beach at Caramoan

Caramoan - caramoan - philippines

PHILIPPINES beach at Linapacan Island Palawan

Linapacan Island Palawan - situated in the province of palawan in the extreme west of the philippines, linapacan island, is one of the most natural islands in the country, with fabulous soft sandy beaches, crystal clear waters, abundant coral to delight tourists, and the courageous traveler (for it is far away!) will be thankful for the local nature.

PHILIPPINES beach at Palawan El Nido

Palawan El Nido - in the north of the island of palawan, west of the philippines, bathed in the china sea village el nido beach is beautiful and majestic.enjoyed as the best travel destination in the world in 2007, the beach of el nido is sublime as everything in the surroundings.

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